Using ChatGPT- day 1/ 170
Jun 21, 2023
Create code to do cell segmentation and image registration for mouse brains using the Allen Brain Atlas common coordinates framework.
ChatGPT chat history:
Google Colab notebook:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skimage.morphology as morphology
import skimage.measure as measure
Load the image and the soma mask
image = io.imread('image.tif')
soma_mask ='soma_mask.tif')
Threshold the image to separate cells from the background
thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(image)
image_thresholded = image > thresh
Use morphological operations to refine cell segmentation
image_opened = morphology.opening(image_thresholded, selem=morphology.disk(5))
image_closed = morphology.closing(image_opened, selem=morphology.disk(5))
Use connected component labeling to identify individual cells
cell_labels, num_cells = measure.label(image_closed, return_num=True)
Iterate over each label (i.e. each cell)
for label in range(1,num_cells+1):
Extract the current cell from the labeled image
cell = np.zeros_like(image)
cell[cell_labels == label] = image[cell_labels==label]
Check if the cell is connected to the soma
connected = np.any(cell * soma_mask)
if not connected:
Delete the cell from the labeled image
image_closed[cell_labels == label] = 0
Visualize the resulting image