Alexis Vega Medina

Alexis Vega Medina

Neuroscientist and Coder

Neuroscientist and Coder

Neuroscientist and Coder

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Unraveling Mind Mysteries

Diving into the depths of the mouse brain, Alexis Vega Medina—a graduate student at the University of Michigan— studies neuromodulation and sexual dimorphism in orexinergic neurons in the context of learning and memory.

With a focus on circuit mapping and understanding how memory consolidation is impaired following sleep deprivation, Alexis strives to find a way to prevent this memory loss using chemogenetics.

Join Alexis on his journey through graduate school, where every day he weighs the pros and cons of a tenure-track position at an R1 institution vs the joys of industry his friends tell him about.




Get a taste of Alexis' musings and explore his latest research through these digital channels.

Imagine More

Imagine More

Imagine More

Dare to visualize the future of neuroscience with Alexis' interactive codebox, showcasing some of their most ground-breaking projects.

Dare to visualize the future of neuroscience with Alexis' interactive codebox, showcasing some of their most ground-breaking projects.